SP - New Earth
Isabelle Knoff
How do we value an invaluable recourse while ensuring everybody has it?
→ higher water prizes would mostly affect the poor

We have to be more aware of the value of water. Examples like Cape Town show how much we can accomplish.
- 326 million trillion gallons of water total on earth
→ 97% salt water
→ 2% frozen fresh water
→ 1% liquid fresh water (is mostly underground)
- 7/10 people on earth have running water in their homes
- 90% of population have settled less than 10km from a fresh water source
- there is no substitute for water
- fresh water access depends on where you live, e.g. Kuwait 10m³, Cannada 10000x as much (100000m³)
- this century water consumption has increased sevenfold (1900: ~500km³/year, 19500: ~1,500km³/year, 2000: ~4000km³/year, 2010: ~4250km³/year)
- climate change makes available water much more erratic → snow and rain fall are much less reliable
- in 2040 most of the world won't have enough water to meet demand year-round
- in 2010 UN regognized access to water and sanitation as a human right (~60L per person /day)
- Desalination has doubled over the last decade (2007: 15km³, 2017: 33km³)
→ still less than 1% of water we use
→ takes a lot of money and energy
→ What do they do with their waste?
- Cape Town planned to indefinitely shut off their water supply as the 1st major city in the world
→ 4 million people would stop having running water → receive water rations instead
→ change in water consumption: 2014 → 1,2 billion liters, 2018 → 516 million liters
→ less than half in only 4 years → delayed their Day Zero indefinitely
- Sao Paulo, Melbourne, Jakarta, London, Beijing, Istanbul, Tokyo, Bangalore, Barcelona and Mexico City all face their Day Zero in the next few decades
- Aquifier should be treated like a saving account
→ Mexico City takes 50% of its water supplies from such Aquifier
→ will run out of half their water supply in 30-50 years
→ taking so much groundwater compresses the soil: Mexico City is sinking 9 inches a year in some places
- 8% of water use for personal use (drinking, brushing teeth, flushing, cooking, etc)
- 70% goes to agriculture
- 22% goes to the industry
example: 1 bottle of Coca-Cola: ingredients 28L, packaging 7L → 98% of water used for 1 bottle
74L for 1 glass of beer
130L for 1 cup of coffee
2500L for 1 cotton shirt
510L for 1kg of Alfalfa (→ 12kg needed per cow/day)
- farmers pay hardly anything for water, therefore the meat is cheap
- Arid Southern California uses over 2 trillion gallons of water a year to grow Alfalfa → water comes from Colorado River hundreds of miles away → water price does not even cover delivery costs
- governments do not value fresh water enough → no good water supply systems, many leakages
→ Mexico City looses closely half of its drinking water due to leaking pipes
→ agriculture uses it inefficiently by simply flooding fields
→ we dump 2 million tons of sewage and agricultural&industrial waste into it every day
- water scarcity is increasing violent conflicts around the world
- if we stop growing Alfalfa in the desert many people would loose their jobs
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